Sweet Scopes With Amber The Alchemist: Capricorn Season 2022

Sweet Scopes is a Sweet July series in partnership with Amber the Alchemist. Each horoscope season, we bring you tarot readings specific to your astrological sign, with beauty and wellness tips tailored to help you be your best self.

After a spontaneous and liberating Sagittarius season, the Sun moves into Capricorn on December 21, echoing themes of stability, financial grounding, discipline and assertiveness. This is just what we need to pull us back onto earth! Although the astrological new year technically begins once Aries season commences in the spring, Capricorn is the perfect zodiac to prepare us for the year ahead. 

Think about the goals you set for yourself in the beginning of 2022. Have you met some of them? Which ones still require your energy? If there are some dreams still brewing, now is an ideal time to conjure up a plan of action that will help you reconnect with your ongoing mission and bring more accomplishments to fruition.  Capricorn is connected to Saturn, the father of the planets, teaching us lessons that support us in our destiny. Be practical and resourceful with each and every task you take on. With this energy, there are no shortcuts, and if you are close to a Capricorn (or you are one!), then you know that they are not afraid to take their time. When you put in the work, it’s inevitable that you will see the fruits of your labor!

Get your tarot readings below! (Read your sun, moon, rising, and Venus astrological signs for the most accurate guidance.)

The new year will kick off with a jam-packed schedule and you’ll certainly be buying that property or funding your dream project sooner than you think. The time has finally come to get what’s been owed to you! You have karma on your side when it comes to receiving much-awaited offerings from sources you’d least expect. These past six to 12 months, you’ve dealt with FOMO during times you wanted to turn up but needed to work, save money, or slowly scale up your business. You’ve made investments that will bring financial comfort to you and your loved ones years from now. Your birthday introduces a new era for you, starting off with debts being paid off, stolen possessions or money being returned to you and pending legal deals being settled in your favor. The momentum begins to pick up in 2023.  

Intuitively, you’re sensing a need for change soon, and you’re correct. Take as much time as you need to inspect what will make you feel aligned with your soul mission. If there are contracts under review, you could be feeling torn between what your heart is guiding you to do and what makes the most logical sense to you right now…and you know what, maybe both are worth considering. If there’s anything you know about yourself, it’s that your journey looks so much different than those around you. It’s how you were designed. You may decide to explore two different routes—maybe that looks like pursuing a new dream whilst working the day job that pays the bills. Ground your energy first to ensure you aren’t making overly emotional decisions. 

In the past, you’ve expected others to lift you up, validating the softest and sweetest parts of you. But self-love just hits different! The Universe wants you to know that any important journey begins with your mental dialogue. Pour gratitude and kind thoughts into who you are now and embrace the experiences that have molded the beautiful person you see when you look in the mirror. Start envisioning your highest self—the lifestyle you’ll live, the type of daily routines you’ll carry out. Then, slowly integrate these patterns into your reality to embody that anticipated version of yourself. When others project their own insecurities and expect you to lower your pedestal as a result, raise your pedestal even higher. You may not always get the outside validation you’re looking for, but when the Universe is your biggest co-signer, you don’t need anyone else to confirm what you already know. 

Capricorn season is your time to shine. You’re closing out this year with a bang, bringing hot-girl antics to new area codes, holiday parties and networking events. It’s clear that you’re unforgettable, but you may not have felt that way throughout 2022. If you’ve recently left your job or an emotionally straining relationship, you’ll be faced with a new opportunity or connection that’s able to meet your emotional needs and nurture the areas where you shine. You are being pushed to walk in your light and position yourself in environments that allow you to boost your confidence and optimism. Many of you are seeing yourselves in a new light, which could demand a switch in how you style yourself and show up in the world. I mean, would it really be a new cycle if you didn’t come out of hibernation with a new ‘do? You’ll be gravitating towards shades of red clothes, nails, makeup and even hair to accompany this new vibe that you’re on.

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Your word of the season is “elevation.” 2022 feels like it was extremely challenging for you, yet you’ve weathered the storm! Whether you’ve chosen to share your experience with your friends and family, or you’ve battled privately, you’ve learned such a valuable lesson in energetic discernment and what it looks like to manage your energy wisely. As someone who is work-oriented, you may have discovered that something you poured your heart into wasn’t worth your time. Though the results may not have been what you expected, your dedication and commitment showed the Universe how hard you’re willing to go for the things that resonate with your spirit. Maybe this was something that you needed to learn about yourself, too. Now that you’ve climbed the mountain, you are standing in a higher position that grants you access to uncharted territories and doors that haven’t been opened yet. If you’re still working through the blues, you’re probably not alone.

In the upcoming weeks, you’ll likely have a million brilliant ideas in your mental arsenal. Utilize this productive and methodical Capricornian energy to take one of your ideas to the next level. If you’ve hit a roadblock while manifesting a goal, go back to the drawing board and fill in all the blanks that connect you to your “why.” Focus on one thing at a time so you can delegate small tasks to help you get to the finish line. You’ll benefit from adopting new systems of organization in your day-to-day life. Give meal prepping a real chance, see what the weekly planning hype is all about, carve out consistent time for your new hobby, or even write daily to-do lists. As the Universe calls for you to set boundaries with yourself and others, rise to the occasion with tact, consistency and assertiveness. Our minds can be our greatest opponents, so be very cognizant of your words and thoughts in relation to your gifts and capabilities. A visualization technique will make your goals feel more attainable. 

An artist should never be limited to a medium. With a fresh surge of inspiration, you may find yourself a bit skeptical about your new creative outlets. Give yourself space to grow without internalizing expectations from the outside world of how your life should be. Each day is a day to realign yourself with your heart’s desires. Challenge the fearful thoughts that tell you this new thing can’t be part of your story. What your higher self is calling you to do may frighten you at first, but how do you feel after processing those initial emotions? If it’s curiosity or excitement, it’s worth exploring. The solstice will likely bring the homebody out of you, which will give you time to explore hidden talents and interests. Wear your favorite number as a lucky charm when trying something new. Your story isn’t set in stone, so allow the Universe to show you who you are, rather than clinging on to who you intended to be. That stubbornness can attach you to a life you’ve outgrown.

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A star doesn’t have to do anything more than exist to light up the cosmos. In other words, your existence on this earth is the only validation that you need to know you’re radiant. It’s detrimental that you come into Capricorn season with this strong sense of self. You may have recently undergone an intense period of transition, and the Universe wants to remind you that your light has always been seen and felt, even amidst challenges. But as a sign often praised for their charm, natural style and confidence, it’s important that you don’t feel pressured to overshine. To be a light, you don’t have to always be in the light. If you’re feeling compelled to share less of your life and maintain privacy, trust your spirit. You can still find impactful ways to stay connected to your community whilst enjoying your solitude. Brighter days are to come in the new year. Prepare for an impactful year ahead with ‘me’ time through a healing retreat, more moments on do not disturb, or an at-home spa treatment.

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Capricorn season challenges your ability to manage your time and prioritize the tasks and responsibilities that require your immediate attention. With your energy being pulled in different directions, it’s detrimental that self-care doesn’t get swept under the rug. Before you start checking things off of your extensive to-do list, pour some love into yourself. Self-care will force you to support yourself before you show up for others. You can’t pour from an empty cup! Something tells me you haven’t even scratched the surface with identifying what practices and rituals make you feel supported. Have you ever read about the psychology around getting dressed in the morning? It’s the belief that when you get dressed in the morning (even when you’re staying home), it increases productivity and does wonders for your mental health. If you make it a ritual to look and feel good, it will prepare you for the busy year ahead. Get ahead by checking out our self-care gift guide. Make sure you squeeze in your beauty appointments, too.

The Universe has been listening to your prayers and petitions. Capricorn season bursts open new doors and introduces unexpected opportunities that surprise you. But with new abundance comes great responsibility. Where you’ll be challenged is deciding what to do next. How can you turn this gift into something sustainable? If this is a new romantic connection, for example, savor the sweetness and get to know this person before rushing to tell your family and friends. If it’s too early to consult your loved ones in your decision-making, let your intuition take the wheel (pull a card, maybe?). When you’re feeling mentally scattered or unsure, the rule of the thumb is to trust your gut.  Take time for yourself to consider all options. What your soul yearns for is changing, and only you can confirm what you need to feel fulfilled. 

Your relationships and business endeavors may have been at a crossroads for quite some time now. Capricorn season provides the cosmic shift you need to gain momentum and finally progress in both these areas cohesively. Inspire yourself by reading about others’ journeys to entrepreneurial and professional success. Compatible connections and even soulmate relationships are on the horizon, too. This isn’t limited to romance. Some of you will be divinely connected to new people who will help bring your dreams and visions to life, especially if you have conceptualized a creative project. You will know who and what is for you because once they enter your life, things will start to take off. But pay attention to the ways in which your life changes once you invite certain people into your energy, for better or for worse. That will confirm the alignment and spiritual support around your unions. 

A new page has turned. You’ve undergone transformative energies of the last quarter, shed skin, rid yourself of bad vibes, and now you’re coming for what’s yours. That good ‘ol Jupiterian luck is transferred into Capricorn season and good fortune is in the cards for you. The Solstice season marks moments of financial prosperity, visibility from people all over the world, and a major boost in your creative endeavors. Matters of the 5th house are most prominent, relating to your creative endeavors, children, desire, sensual connections and play. This could mark a new cycle for parents, especially if you’ve decided to make a change that will impact your child’s day-to-day life, so remember to establish rituals that will grow with them. If this new fortune comes in the form of new money, it’s imperative that you don’t repeat old habits, like spending frivolously. Show the Universe, and yourself, that you can apply the lessons you’ve learned in the past. Make wise financial decisions, know your worth and stand in your light no matter the occasion. Don’t allow temptation to steer you off your path.

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